At Phelps Water Company, we like to make sure that your water quality always maintains it's cleanliness and that the systems used for treatment are continuously doing their job. We provide delivery services in order to fill and maintain your treatment systems. This way your systems are working simultaneously with each other to treat your water in order to provide you with the best possible water quality. For our delivery rates, please call 410-956-2522.

Delivery items:
- Standard Salt Crystals
- Iron-out Salt
- K-Life (potassium-chloride) salt substitute
- Sodium Hydroxide
- Soda Ash
- Chlorine/Bleach
- Filters

Note: Salts come in 50 Lb. bags and are available, as well as the other products, for purchase at our store-front in Edgewater, Md.

Contact Us for Your FREE Water Analysis and Consultation
Phelps Water Co.
180 Mayo Rd.
(P.O. Box 117)
Edgewater, MD 21037
Phone: (410) 956-2522
Fax: 410-798-6758
Providing quality service since 1957.